7 Benefits Of Indoor Plants

Each houseplant offers you unique benefits. Among other things, they beautify the home, improve physical and emotional health and attract positive energy.
7 benefits of indoor plants

Indoor plants do not only play a decorative role. They have a beneficial impact on us, both physically and emotionally. In today’s article we present you 7 benefits of indoor plants.

Find the ideal indoor plant for the space where you want to place it and take into account the time you can dedicate to its care. Then, buy that plant and bring it home to take advantage of benefits like:

1. Air purification

In 1989, NASA researchers tried to find out which are the best indoor plants for air purification. This benefit deserves all the attention because we are exposed to all kinds of pollutants every day.

Taking into account indoor air quality and the types of indoor plants available in stores, the researchers drew the following conclusions:

  • Bamboo palm: It is easy to care for and reduces the level of formaldehyde (a chemical compound commonly used as a bactericide and preservative).
  • Areca palm: Beneficial both at home and in the office, the Areca palm grows slowly, does not require much water, and its leaves have the ability to purify the air.
  • Ficus: One of the most popular plants when it comes to removing chemicals from the air, ficus has a versatile appearance, being available in different shapes and sizes.

2. Increasing the level of happiness

Benefits of indoor plants for human well-being

Many argue that indoor plants can influence mood. If you are a sensitive person and you can feel how living things emanate positive or negative energy, the plants below are ideal for you:

  • The ax: Use the ax if there is conflict and quarrels in your home. It maintains peace and reduces stress levels.
  • Ivy: Brings good luck in the house.
  • Arthurium: Known as a source of “male happiness”, arthurium is indicated to increase male fertility and libido.

3. Improving mental health, on the list of benefits of indoor plants

Caring for one or more plants clears the mind, inspires love and affection, and last but not least, fights stress and anxiety. As much as possible, arrange a garden. This activity burns calories, stimulates your senses as you work with the soil and activates creativity.

4. Noise reduction

Benefits of houseplants to rest better

In addition to purifying the air, houseplants have a soundproofing effect. This is why many blocks are surrounded by greenery. The plants beautify the landscape and keep the noise of long-distance traffic.

5. Inducing relaxation, among the most important benefits of indoor plants

You can take advantage of the goodness of nature by growing potted plants that fight anxiety.

  • St. John’s wort: Because it contains hypericin (an antibiotic and inhibitory substance), this plant is recommended for the treatment of depression, anxiety, insomnia and the emotional symptoms of menopause.
  • Passion flower: It has a calming effect, supports relaxation and relieves anxiety symptoms.
  • Valerian: This is ideal for reducing stress levels. Valerian helps you fall asleep, stabilizes your heart rate and helps you feel better when you are upset.

6. Improving the ability to concentrate

Benefits of indoor plants for concentration

Some plants can combat anxiety and stress, while others improve the ability to concentrate. Whether we include them in teas, or use aromatherapy or take a bath with them, the plants below can stimulate your brain naturally:

  • Rosemary: It has multiple properties that are beneficial for health, including improving memory.
  • Roinita: Stimulates mental concentration and fights sadness and insomnia.
  • Mallow: Being the most effective calming plant, mallow contains a substance that keeps memory in optimal condition.

7. I am a source of positivity

Some schools of philosophical thought, such as Feng Shui, claim that certain plants attract positive energy. To turn your home into a magnet of positivity, use plants like:

  • Lavender: Ideal for people suffering from insomnia. Lavender balances energy and provides a feeling of well-being.
  • Fern: It protects you and increases your self-esteem. Grow a fern in the house if you go through a breakup.
  • Chrysanthemum: This plant increases the well-being of all people who live in a certain house.

As you can see, regardless of your personal beliefs, it is worth taking advantage of the 7 benefits of indoor plants presented in this article.

Each plant offers you unique advantages: beautifying the space, improving physical or emotional health, attracting positive energy and more!

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