Three-day Detoxification Treatment

Do not prolong the diet for more than three days, as it is a very strict diet that only has the role of detoxifying your body. 
Three-day detoxification treatment for the body

One of the main reasons why many people do not eat healthy is the lack of time. Maybe you are used to eating a lot of unhealthy foods for the same reason. That is why it is advisable to follow a detoxification treatment from time to time, such as the one presented below.

Maybe your busy schedule does not allow you to adopt the desired lifestyle or healthy habits are not an important concern for you. But the results of this negligence are fatigue and illness.

Your body needs more nutrients and healthy meals. To meet its “requirements”, you need to plan your meals. Your body always sends you important messages, you just have to listen to it!

There are times when it is necessary to follow a detoxification cure to heal your organs and ensure their optimal functioning.

Detoxification treatment

Detoxification treatment with skim yogurt served as a snack

People are always looking for miraculous diets on the internet. In reality, success is based on dedication and perseverance. Why do we say that? Because a three-day diet is enough to regenerate the body, but after its completion it is necessary to adopt a balanced diet.

The purpose of detoxifying the body is to eliminate harmful toxins that affect your skin and weaken your internal organs. The solution is a change from within. 

A detoxification treatment is the first step. It only lasts three days, which means it is very strict. The diet consists of the consumption of fruits and vegetables, soups or broths and teas that contribute to the hydration of the body and a small amount of protein and carbohydrates.

You can serve snacks between meals. Nutritionist Andrea Miranda, director of the Argentine Society of Aesthetics and Integral Nutrition (SAENI), claims that two snacks a day are enough. You can opt for skim yogurt, low-fat gelatin, grapes or oily fruits.

More water for hydration

Dr. Miranda claims that water is very important during a detoxification treatment It recommends consuming 2-3 liters of water a day for optimal hydration of the body.

Water purifies the body and cleanses organs, such as the kidneys, which play a key role in eliminating toxins from the body.

In addition, during the three-day cure, it is good to start with a liquid-based diet to speed up the detoxification process. In this way, you stimulate the production of new cells and the proper functioning of the organs.

Essentials for an effective detox diet

To cleanse your body in three days, you need to nourish it with nutrients and minerals. Although the cure lasts a short time, you need to focus on a balanced diet. It’s not worth endangering your health.

Detoxification treatment based on the consumption of vegetables and fruits

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Drink two or three liters of water a day.
  • Do not avoid carbohydrates, but eliminate flour and processed sugar from your diet.
  • As a source of carbohydrates, opt for fruits and vegetables. These two food groups strengthen the immune system.
  • Fruits are an excellent source of carbohydrates and contain many nutrients. Eat diuretic fruits, such as pineapple, raw.
  • As a snack between meals, you can opt for oily fruits.
  • Avoid carbohydrates in the evening.
  • For protein needs, eat fresh meat and fish. Prepare them without spices and serve them in small portions.
  • Reduce salt intake to prevent water retention and stimulate diuresis.
  • Give up frying. If you need oil, opt for olive or coconut oil.

Guide to detoxification treatment

Here is an example of a menu that falls into this detoxification treatment.


  • Serve a tea with wholemeal toast and low-fat cheese. Drink citrus juice (lemon or orange).
  • Another option: a handful of dried fruits (hazelnuts, almonds, nuts and peanuts).


  • Vegetable soup. Salad with raw or cooked vegetables. It also serves gelatin and plenty of water.
  • Another option: 10 grapes and a cup of tea.


  • Chicken or beef soup. Boiled vegetables. Chicken, beef, pork or fish that you can eat fresh, baked or boiled. Fruits and water.


Teas included in a three-day detoxification treatment

Drinking tea is very useful during the three-day cure. Infusions prevent water retention and stimulate the detoxification process. These fluids are beneficial to the body and can be consumed at any time of the year, either summer or winter.

We recommend that you opt for green tea, because it is rich in antioxidants. Another option would be white tea, which fights stress and anxiety. It contains amino acids and is recommended for people suffering from hypertension.

Remember that a detoxification treatment should not be a punishment. These are three difficult days, with many restrictions, but the goal is to improve your physical and mental condition.

We recommend that you make good decisions about your lifestyle after the end of the three days. Lasting results are only seen if you adopt a healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly.

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