Is It True That The Moon Affects Your Life?

It is said that the moon exerts a special influence on people, both physically and mentally, from childhood to the end of life. Find out more in this article. 
Is it true that the moon affects your life?

Have you ever wondered if the moon affects your life? Have you ever noticed that the phases of the moon have significantly changed your personality and mood?

It is said that the earth’s natural satellite exerts an influence both physically and mentally, since childhood and throughout life. Find out more about this topic in the article below.

The moon is more than the only satellite of our planet. It is a great mystery from several points of view. It is a part of our existence, which is why it is good to know a few things about it so that we can enjoy the benefits it offers.

A study conducted at the University of Basel in Switzerland showed that the moon has an extraordinary influence on sleep, depending on its different phases.

On the days when the full moon is approaching, the brain activity associated with deep sleep decreases by 30%, which is why it is harder for us to fall asleep and sleep for less time.

The moon affects your life depending on its phases

The moon affects your life depending on its phases

Depending on its position, the moon affects your life in various ways:

New Moon

The new moon is the phase in which the moon is between the earth and the sun and begins a new cycle. This is the best time to set new goals. We do not refer only to future projects, but also to the desire to quit smoking, to start a new diet, to give up alcohol, etc.

From a psychological point of view, our mind is much more capable of self-control, it is more serene and more prepared to face the “deficits” caused by changes in daily habits.

The new moon is also a phase conducive to meditation and detoxification of the body, a period in which it is recommended to clean diseased plants or trees or to cut your hair if you want it to grow faster. For this reason, however, the new moon is not an indicated interval to epilate.

Instead, this is a good time to explore the hidden parts of your subconscious. This phase lasts between 2 and 3 days.

The first square

The moon affects your life during the first quarter. When the moon shines brightest, your body will begin to “absorb” everything faster and in greater proportions.

At this stage, the body assimilates any substance or reacts to any event differently. So, it is a good time to start a vitamin treatment.

Be careful, because it is also a period in which the risk of gaining weight is higher (it can be an advantage if this is what you are looking for).

The first square is a suitable interval to make up for any deficit, because if you eat something, the body will resist returning to its original state.

For this reason, we do not recommend consuming alcoholic beverages during the first quarter, their effects being more harmful than usual.

If you want to stimulate hair or nail growth, this is the best time to cut them. If you apply ointments, gels or creams for hair regeneration, the treatment will be more effective, as the skin is much more receptive. Instead, the detoxification process is much more difficult and longer.

The first square lasts about 13 days. During this time, we suggest that you carry out revitalizing and strengthening activities. As for the financial side, it is said that it is a good time to apply for a loan, look for a job, sell something or make an investment.

At the same time, this is an interval in which it is advisable to draw up contracts or to establish partnerships and associations. During the first square, it is not recommended to clean the fruit trees.

Full moon

This phase is present when the Moon is completely illuminated by the Sun. There is a lot of pressure on the tissues of the body, which leads to cooling of feelings.

Thus, the instinctual part of the human being “wakes up to life ” (which is why werewolves are considered to appear on full moon nights). The body retains more fluids and swells more easily. You have to be very careful about what you eat and what you drink.

Sensations, emotions and feelings are “superficial” and may occur psychosomatic problems, sleep changes, insomnia, nightmares or more expressive, real and more intense dreams.

During the full month, we do not recommend starting a diet. Pay attention to the side effects of the medications you are taking. Beware of headaches, which can be very strong and try to keep your sense of humor: do not take everything seriously and do not start arguing.

During this time, the moon affects your life in a visible way. For example, wounds will bleed harder, and menstruation will be more abundant in women.

Scheduling surgery can be risky. People are usually more aggressive. It is considered that everything you undertake 6 hours before and 6 hours after will be successful.

Births are more common and diseases of the nervous system are more severe. People who have thin hair can cut it during this period.

The last square

During the last quadrant, the moon affects your life in other ways. The body will “eliminate” everything it does not need, which is why this period is ideal for releasing the energy accumulated in the previous phases.

You can get rid of fats, water and toxins much easier. It is a good time to start a detoxification treatment and to reduce bloating or irritation.

We recommend that you perform activities that require strength and endurance, drink more water to eliminate harmful substances, start diets, cut your nails and hair, remove warts, blackheads and heal scars.

Dental treatments and surgeries are more successful. The last square is also a good time to plant and clean fruit trees, vegetables and tubers.

As for the emotional side, it is advisable to enter into a relationship or partnership.

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