Homemade Organic Detergent

Due to the properties of some ingredients that we probably have in the house, we can prepare an organic detergent, free of aggressive compounds.
Homemade organic detergent

We all know that the chemicals in the conditioners and detergents we use every day are very harmful to the environment. TV commercials delight us with the flavors and effectiveness of these products, but are there alternatives that can remove stains just as easily, without endangering our health? The answer is yes. In the following we will present you a recipe for homemade organic detergent.


The benefits of using a homemade organic detergent

Homemade organic detergent to protect the environment

It’s not about finding a simple, less expensive alternative, nor do we want to recommend you adopt a hippie lifestyle. What we advise you to do is to use healthier products, so as to protect your body.

There are various toxic substances that soak into your clothes when using commercial soaps and detergents. These substances not only affect your skin, but can gradually lead to the development of certain diseases.

Using an organic detergent made at home, you will take care of both the planet we live on and your own health. The next product is 100% biodegradable and will leave your clothes soft and clean, without smelling them. However, it is a completely natural and healthy detergent, so don’t hesitate to try it!

How to prepare an organic detergent?

Homemade organic detergent for washing clothes

You need:

  • A grater or food processor
  • A scale to measure quantities
  • 75 g natural soap
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1.5 l of water
  • 1 large glass or a 2 l bottle in which to store the detergent
  • 20 drops of essential oil (lavender, rosehip or any other type of oil with a pleasant smell)


  • It is not difficult at all to prepare this organic detergent and you only have to sacrifice 15 minutes of your time. First, shave the soap. If you do this manually (with a grater), this step will be a little more difficult and there is a risk of injury, which is why we advise you to use a food processor.
  • The next step is to put the grated soap in the container of your choice, then add the baking soda.
  • Heat the water until it boils. Carefully pour it into the container and be careful not to burn yourself.
  • Pour the water without rushing and mix the ingredients from time to time. As soon as you get the organic detergent solution, add 20 drops of essential oil and you’re done. The organic detergent obtained will smell incredible, being at the same time completely natural.
  • One week after preparation, the texture of the detergent will change. Don’t worry, the product is as effective as it was at the beginning and you can still use it. When you want to wash clothes, the amount of homemade organic detergent you need is equal to the amount of commercial detergent you normally use. The results will live up to expectations!

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