What Clues Does The Color Of The Chair Give About Your Health

You must be careful of any change in the shape and color of the seat, as even a minor change can indicate an irregularity. 
What clues does the color of the chair give about your health

The faeces must be brown – neither too dark nor too light – to be considered normal. The texture should be solid, but not overly so. Find out what clues the color of the chair offers about your health!

In order for all of the above characteristics to be met, it is important to complete all four stages of digestion:

  • Ingestion: when food enters the body.
  • Digestion:  the chemical process by which food is transformed into small molecules.
  • Absorption: molecules pass through the digestive tract, reach the blood and be distributed to the organs.
  • Excretion: the body eliminates food waste that has not been digested.

The chair is made up of 75% water. The rest includes bacteria from food that could not be digested and substances eliminated by the liver and intestines.

Read on to find out what clues the color of the chair offers about your health!

What clues does the color of the chair give to your health?


What clues does the color of the stool give about your digestion
  • The reason why feces can get this shade is that the bile did not have time to break down those foods.
  • They passed through the intestines and colon too quickly.

It is also possible to consume large amounts of chlorophyll, which is found in vegetables, iron supplements or dyes.


Yellowish color can be caused by several factors. These include:

  • A condition called Gilbert’s syndrome, which is an excess of bilirubin in the blood;
  • Bacteria Giardia;
  • Hepatitis or other liver conditions

In rare cases, the yellow color of the stool may be caused by an irregular absorption of nutrients.

Dark red

What clues does the color of the stool give about the health of the digestive tract

Generally, this color indicates internal bleeding, caused by ulcer, varicose veins or gastritis. The lesion could be in the esophagus, stomach or even the small intestine.

In some cases, the stool may be red from eating colored foods such as tomatoes, beets, or blueberries.


The color brown is considered normal, being caused by substances secreted by the liver. Depending on the amount of these secretions and the food consumed, the stool can take on different shades. But if they range from brown to light green, you don’t have to worry.


What clues give the color of the chair that require a visit to the doctor

If you have noticed that your stool is very dark, even black, it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • One of the possible causes of this nuance is a hemorrhage in the upper digestive tract, which includes the esophagus, stomach or small intestine.
  • Another cause could be the accumulation of clotted blood.
  • In some cases, the reason is the administration of certain medications, such as iron supplements.


The whitish stool is not normal in any form. There may be a problem with the liver or gallbladder.

If you want to know what clues the color of the stool offers about your health, find out that the whitish shade can be a symptom of hepatitis or cirrhosis.  Antacids are responsible for secreting substances that give it this color.

Pay attention to nutrition 

  • One of the most important nutrients for successful digestion is fiber. They fight constipation, lower cholesterol and prevent the appearance of cancer cells in the colon.
  • Chew the food well. Many times, we are overwhelmed by the busy schedule of the day and do not eat quietly. The habit of eating in a hurry can affect digestion, because the stomach is not able to process food 100%.
  • Avoid eating foods that are not of plant or animal origin. Dyes, artificial flavors and other toxic substances change the color of the stool and affect your health.
  • Add probiotics to your diet. Yogurt and such supplements contain healthy bacteria that help digestion and ensure a normal stool texture.

In conclusion, changes in the color or texture of the chair can be caused by many factors. It is advisable to go to a specialist to find out if you suffer from any condition, be it mild or severe.

As you can see, in some cases the problem is not serious, as the color of the feces changes due to natural or artificial dyes in the products you consume.

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