Hepatic Steatosis: Breakfast Infusions

If you suffer from hepatic steatosis, do not hesitate to try any of the following three infusions. Drink them on an empty stomach, so as to detoxify your liver, while protecting and strengthening it.
Hepatic steatosis: infusions for breakfast

Hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) is a very common liver disease today. If you suffer from this condition or a member of your family has recently been diagnosed, it is essential to start improving your daily habits, especially your diet.

With a little effort and a few appropriate natural supplements, you can relieve inflammation of the liver and reduce the level of fat accumulated in this organ. It is worth taking these measures because they will allow you to improve your health and quality of life.

Hepatic steatosis is a condition that should be treated with breakfast. In this article we will show you the best options you have available for this purpose.

Why is it good to treat hepatic steatosis from breakfast?

We need to treat hepatic steatosis from breakfast

How can breakfast help us beat the fatty liver? First of all, keep in mind that hepatic steatosis is caused by an accumulation of fatty acids and triglycerides in the liver, which alters the function of the cells of this organ and causes inflammation.

Although benign in nature, hepatic steatosis can lead to more serious diseases if not treated properly. To overcome this condition, it is not enough just to improve our diet. We need to closely monitor our health and change our lifestyle, which includes serving a healthier breakfast. In the following we will explain why these things are necessary.

A healthy breakfast has three main functions:

  • Purification: the first function that breakfast must perform is to cleanse the liver of all toxins that have accumulated in it, but also of lipids and fatty acids that alter its basic functions and cause inflammation.
  • Fortification: one of the most incredible abilities of the liver is its ability to regenerate. By giving it the help it needs, this organ can create new, healthy and strong cells and tissues.
  • Do you know how we can help our liver? Providing it with antioxidants, proteins and minerals that allow it to synthesize the enzymes it needs to regenerate.
  • Protection: the liver is one of the most important organs of the body, but also one of the most vulnerable to the harmful effects of a poor diet or an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Fats and toxins in certain foods and medicines, as well as tobacco and alcoholic beverages, can make the liver sick. By following a healthy diet and consuming certain natural food supplements, we can provide our liver with all the resources it needs to overcome hepatic steatosis.

3 cleansing infusions for breakfast

Recommended infusions for hepatic steatosis

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with fatty liver, there is no need to panic. As mentioned earlier, hepatic steatosis can be treated as long as we are willing to take certain measures.

You will have to accept that the diet you have followed so far is harmful. You need to make some “drastic” changes if you want to eat better and be healthier.

For this purpose, we advise you to start your day by serving a detoxifying infusion with the ability to strengthen and protect the liver. Always drink it on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. We will offer you three recipes, so you can vary the infusions according to taste.

1. Artichoke-based detoxifying and protective infusion


  • 2 artichokes
  • 1 l (32 ounces) of water
  • The juice of a lemon

Preparation instructions

  • Heat the water and put the two artichokes in it. Boil them until they soften, then put the water aside, which is very useful to treat hepatic steatosis.
  • Pour the water in which you boiled the artichokes into a glass jar, then add the lemon juice. Consume this drink throughout the day. The first glass should be consumed on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. It’s not hard at all!

2. Dandelion-based detoxifying and protective infusion


  • 20 g (0.7 ounces) of dried dandelion
  • 1 glass (200 ml or 6.75 ounces) of water
  • 20 g (0.7 ounces) of sliced ​​lemon

Preparation instructions

  • Start by heating the water. When it boils, add the dried dandelion and lemon slices. Let the mixture boil for at least 15 minutes, then let it sit for another 10 minutes. Strain the liquid and drink the infusion obtained hot, little by little.

3. Detoxifying and protective infusion based on armory


  • 20 g (0.7 ounces) of armory (can be purchased from plafare and pharmacies)
  • 1 glass (200 ml or 6.75 ounces) of water

Preparation instructions

  • This infusion is very easy to prepare. All you have to do is heat the water and add the tea bag. Let the infusion sit, strain and drink on an empty stomach.

The best food for breakfast

Foods recommended for hepatic steatosis

1. High-fiber foods, a staple of everyday life

  • 1 bowl of oatmeal
  • 1 slice of rye bread greased with olive oil
  • Cereals obtained from natural corn, without sugar

2. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to protect the liver

  • 1 egg yolk
  • Linseed oil
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia seeds
  • Sage seeds
  • Walnuts or hazelnuts

3. Fruits that can cleanse and strengthen the liver

  • Oranges
  • Lemon
  • pears
  • Kiwi
  • Pineapple

You can always serve a cup of coffee for breakfast. As you well know, this drink is also very beneficial for the liver.

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