How To Heal Your Liver In 10 Steps

Artichokes and boiled water are excellent remedies to cleanse the liver and reduce the number of fat cells that can alter its functioning.

Why is it important to heal your liver if necessary?  It plays a very important role in the body, performing dozens of functions that maintain your health and well-being.

Among other things, the liver filters toxins and dead cells and metabolizes fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This organ purifies the blood and stores essential vitamins needed by the body.

As you can see, the liver performs a number of essential functions. You definitely want to know what you can do to protect this organ, which is why in today’s article we invite you to discover some tricks that will help you for this purpose. Read on and remember!

10 tips to heal your liver

1. Drink chicory tea

Chicory is a root that has been used for centuries to stimulate liver cleansing. The main advantage of this ingredient is its ability to purify the blood and optimize liver function.

You can use this natural remedy as a supplement to drug treatments against gallstones or jaundice. In addition, chicory tea is useful to treat constipation and relieve headaches. It is best to drink this tea at breakfast and after the main meal of the day.

2. Eat artichokes to heal your liver

Artichoke is the best vegetable to treat liver problems. If, for example, you suffer from fatty liver, it is advisable to eat artichokes regularly.

This vegetable reduces the level of fat cells and regenerates tissues, providing protection against cirrhosis. You can serve boiled artichokes with a little olive oil or you can drink the water in which you boiled them (mix it first with a little lemon juice). Artichokes will never disappoint you!

3. Drink dandelion and mint tea

Drink dandelion tea to heal your liver

An article published in the journal Global Center of healing ( Global Health Center ) argues that the liver has also seen a filter in an aquarium. If this device is overloaded with toxins, the entire aquarium will be filled with harmful substances, and all the fish will get sick.

The same thing can happen to our liver. To avoid this problem, we need to supply it with everything it needs to continue to function optimally.

A useful remedy is a tea made from five grams of dandelion and five grams of mint leaves. Due to their beneficial properties, these plants have the ability to break down fats in the liver, stimulate bile secretion, eliminate toxins and improve digestion. Do not hesitate to try this simple remedy!

4. Say “yes” to beet juice

Beets are a purple vegetable with a delicious taste. In addition to the fact that beets are rich in beneficial nutrients, they purify and strengthen the liver and can improve its ability to regenerate.

Make a beet smoothie and serve this drink two or three times a week. Mix the smoothie with a glass of water and half an apple, and your body will benefit.

5. Eat garlic on an empty stomach

Eat garlic on an empty stomach to heal your liver

A clove of garlic and a glass of water on an empty stomach help the body cleanse itself of toxins from the beginning of the day. Being a natural antibiotic, garlic is rich in allicin and selenium, two essential compounds that strengthen the liver. Don’t hesitate to try this trick every morning!

6. Eat lemon if you want to heal your liver

The liver needs vitamin C every day. The body cannot produce or synthesize this nutrient, which is why we can only get vitamin C by serving foods that contain it. For this purpose, a useful option is to drink lemon juice every day.

Drink this liquid combined with warm water. We also advise you to add three grams of baking soda to this mixture at least once a week. Due to the properties of the ingredients, you will get an alkaline remedy only good for your liver.

7. Drink a cup of white tea every day

Drink white tea to heal your liver

This natural drink is even richer in antioxidants than green tea. Buy it from plafar and make sure it is a pure variety, that is, as silver as possible. White tea is beneficial for both the liver and the general state of health. You definitely have a lot to gain by choosing to drink this drink.

8. Eat armor to heal your liver

Armory improves digestion and prevents the accumulation of toxins in the liver, promoting their elimination. Moreover, this plant stimulates the production of bile and optimizes the basic functions of the liver. You can buy fittings from any plafar or pharmacy. You will usually find it in the form of tea capsules or sachets.

9. Eat more green vegetables

Eat green vegetables to heal your liver

Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and kale, should not be missing from your daily diet. We advise you to prepare rich salads with bitter green vegetables beneficial for the liver, including:

  • Watercress
  • arugula
  • Spinach
  • endive
  • radishes
  • Parsley

The bitter taste shows that all these vegetables are beneficial for the liver, this aroma indicating the presence of phytonutrients with the ability to cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, the vegetables listed control cholesterol levels, balance hormones, metabolize fats and purify the blood. Don’t hesitate to try them!

10. Take a walk to heal your liver

Daily walks optimize liver function. This habit oxygenates the blood, improves heart health and promotes the elimination of fats and toxins.

All you have to do is sweat a little, train your muscles and increase your pulse and you will get some unexpected benefits. Even your liver will benefit!

We advise you to try the tips in this article today!

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