7 Natural Treatments For Canker Sores

Due to their anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, these treatments reduce germs that weaken the immune system and lead to canker sores. Try them too!
7 natural treatments for canker sores

Canker sores are small whitish ulcerations with reddish edges that usually appear on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue and palate. Read on to discover the best natural treatments for canker sores. 

Although they may resemble herpes, canker sores have nothing to do with it, are not contagious, and do not occur in areas other than the oral cavity.

The appearance of canker sores can be an indication of a weakened immune system, but it can also have other causes, such as stress, injuries and poor hygiene.

Although canker sores disappear on their own in a few days, it is good to apply a local treatment to speed up healing and prevent infections. Today we present you seven natural remedies that can be very helpful in this regard.

1. Garlic: one of the best natural treatments for canker sores

Garlic on the list of natural treatments for canker sores

Garlic has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that, if in direct contact with the affected area, prevent infections.

Allicin, the active compound in garlic, reduces inflammation caused by canker sores and improves cellular activity, speeding up healing.


  • Grind a clove of garlic and massage the paste on the canker sore for two to three minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water and repeat the treatment twice a day.

2. Baking soda

Baking soda is a traditional remedy for problems affecting oral health. It contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substances that help relieve canker sores in a short time.

Applying baking soda reduces the risk of infections in the affected area and regulates the pH of the skin, helping to regenerate it.


  • Moisten a little baking soda with water and massage the affected area.
  • Repeat the treatment every day, after brushing your teeth.

3. Grapefruit seed extract

Natural treatments for canker sores such as grapefruit extract

The natural extract obtained from grapefruit seeds has antibiotic properties that help destroy germs that cause infections in the oral cavity.

The antioxidants and disinfectant compounds in this product protect damaged skin around canker sores, reduce inflammation and prevent unpleasant odors.


  • Add a few drops of grapefruit seed extract in a cup of warm water and use the mixture as a mouthwash after brushing your teeth.
  • Repeat the procedure up to three times a day.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has disinfectant and regenerating properties that recommend it as one of the best natural treatments for canker sores. If you apply it directly, it speeds up the healing of the affected tissues and prevents the multiplication of bacteria.


  • Soak an ear stick in hydrogen peroxide and massage the canker sores.
  • Repeat three to four times a day.

You could also add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to plain water and use this mixture as a mouthwash.

5. Peppermint oil

Natural treatments for canker sores such as peppermint oil

Peppermint essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that prevent infections caused by canker sores.


  • Soak an ear stick in peppermint oil and apply it carefully on canker sores.
  • Repeat two or three times a day, as needed.

6. Simple yogurt

Lactic acid in yogurt helps regulate the pH of the oral mucosa. Thus, it reduces acidity and multiplies healthy bacteria. By direct application, yogurt improves the condition of skin affected by canker sores and prevents the development of infections.


  • Consume at least half a cup of plain yogurt a day, making sure it comes in contact with the affected areas.

7. Turmeric paste

Turmeric on the list of natural treatments for canker sores

Turmeric paste is one of the best natural treatments for canker sores and other problems in the mouth.

Turmeric root contains an active substance called curcumin which gives it its characteristic color, but also anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.


  • Moisten a small amount of ground turmeric with a little water and apply the paste on canker sores.
  • Let it work for two or three minutes, then rinse.
  • Use the treatment two or three times a day.

Do you have canker sores? Choose any of the above remedies and use it to speed up healing.

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