Medicinal Properties Of Baking Soda

The mixture of baking soda and magnesium chloride eliminates toxins and prevents many health problems.
Medicinal properties of baking soda

Since ancient times, baking soda has been used thanks to its benefits for health, beauty and house cleaning. This product has begun to be studied by many specialists around the world. It seems that the medicinal properties of baking soda are more numerous than I thought.

Many find it hard to believe that a seemingly trivial product has so many health benefits But many studies have shown that baking soda can be used to prevent and treat various diseases, including some chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

In fact, thanks to the benefits of this product, doctors have begun to recommend patients to use baking soda more and more often.

What are the medicinal properties of baking soda?

Medicinal properties of baking soda used for the preparation of remedies

The medicinal properties of baking soda are truly amazing. For example, this product reduces the effects of chemotherapy and radiation on organs such as the kidneys and liver. First of all, many oncologists recommend its use.

People around the world use a simple remedy (a little baking soda dissolved in water) to combat gastric hyperacidity and other problems associated with it.

Because the benefits of this product are famous, emergency hospitals around the world use baking soda to save patients’ lives.

Combined with other substances, such as iodine or magnesium chloride, baking soda can be used to prepare various natural remedies.

Baking soda regulates the pH of the body

One of the medicinal properties of baking soda is its ability to alkalize the body naturally. When there is a deficiency of bicarbonate ions in the body, the pH of the blood decreases. An acidic environment develops in the body that can cause many health problems.

The body’s cells function best in an alkaline environment. This confirms the incredible benefits of baking soda.

Medicinal properties of bicarbonate such as pH regulation

For our blood to have an alkaline pH, it is essential to follow a proper diet. An unhealthy lifestyle and a poor diet, rich in foods such as the famous “fast food”, are factors that favor acidity and, as a consequence, the development of diseases.

When the body’s pH becomes acidic, we are at a higher risk of chronic disease. These include cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease, but not only.

For this reason, baking soda is a reliable ally in maintaining the health of the body. It dilates the blood vessels inside the tissues to facilitate the transport of oxygen. This contributes to the alkalization of the body.

Numerous studies have shown that baking soda can prevent diseases such as arthritis, gout, the flu, kidney stones and diabetes. Thanks to these benefits, we must not hesitate to use baking soda to improve our health.

We can, for example, combine this ingredient with a little magnesium chloride. In this way, we get a very effective remedy . Both ingredients are useful for cleansing tissues, cells and organs of excess accumulated toxins.

Why does the pharmaceutical industry hate baking soda?

Baking soda is seen as an “enemy” by the pharmaceutical industry because it offers all the benefits listed above. It is a cheap, safe and efficient option that we can use at any time without any problem. We just have to be careful to use the right amounts and not overdo it.

We advise you to consult your doctor before starting a treatment based on baking soda. This way, you can make sure that you will not have unwanted consequences.

In some cases, baking soda can cause side effects such as thirst, headaches, swelling of the legs and feelings of weakness.

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