9 Nocturnal Fattening Habits

We often do not realize that certain practices affect our health. In today’s article we present you some nocturnal habits that make you fat, so you can change them as soon as possible.
9 nocturnal fattening habits

Without realizing it, we can adopt a series of practices that, instead of doing us good, lead to weight gain. Read on to discover 9 fattening night habits. Try to give them up as soon as possible.

1. Insufficient sleep

Lack of sleep means not getting enough rest. As a consequence, metabolism suffers. It is slowed down, the feeling of hunger occurs more often, and cortisol levels increase. Thus, you will not have the necessary energy to be able to move and you will feel more and more tired.

2. Serving hearty dinners

Who copious and other nocturnal fattening habits

Hearty dinners are among the main enemies of the figure. If you eat too much at dinner (or serve a very heavy dinner), you will not sleep well at night. Remember that at this time the body digests food much more slowly.

Because it distracts you, watching TV while serving dinner causes you to overeat.

We advise you to opt for menus rich in protein and vegetable sources.

3. Sleep immediately after dinner

Another mistake many of us make is going to bed right after dinner. This habit causes the accumulation of fat and inhibits proper digestion. Therefore, serve dinner at least 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

4. Consumption of fries

Fattening nightlife such as frying

Toasts are enemies of the figure. These dishes are high in calories that you can not burn, leading to weight gain. In addition, fried foods inhibit restful sleep. We advise you to eat cooked, grilled or steamed foods.

5. Serving spicy foods on the list of fattening nightlife

As with fried foods, it is not good to eat spicy foods at night. Both spicy foods and spices can cause indigestion, which makes it difficult to sleep.

Another problem that can occur when you eat spicy foods on an empty stomach is heartburn. If you like spicy dishes, you don’t have to give them up. Simply serve them at other times of the day. Remember, these types of foods are recommended for speeding up the metabolism, but it is best to avoid them at night.

6. Consumption of cereals

Cereals included in fattening nocturnal habits

Do you feel that a bowl of cereal with milk is a beneficial option for dinner? Well, find out you’re wrong. Each of us has made this mistake at some point. The problem is that cereals are a source of carbohydrates. So, they give you more energy than you can burn at night.

This type of food contains refined sugars that must be used when ingesting them. Otherwise, they will turn into fat. Replace cereals with appropriate portions of fruit, salads or lean protein sources.

7. Serving desserts, among the most common nocturnal fattening habits

Sweet desserts are full of sugar, which is why it is advisable to forget about them. Ingredients such as sugar and white flour accumulate in the cells and contain many calories that we can not burn at night.

If you feel like something sweet, it is best to opt for a fruit. The delicious taste of the fruit is 100% natural.

8. Serving snacks after dinner

Woman practicing fattening night habits

After dinner, we advise you to brush your teeth. That way, you won’t have a snack if you get hungry later. Serving snacks after the last meal of the day involves ingesting calories you don’t need. Especially avoid foods like bread, cookies and sweets at this time of day.

If you are hungry after dinner and want to eat something, opt for a light and healthy dish that contains less than 200 calories.

9. Jumping over dinner

As hard as it may seem to believe, skipping dinner falls into the category of fattening nightlife. This practice only makes it difficult to lose weight because it slows down the metabolism and intensifies the feeling of hunger.

In addition, skipping dinner causes anxiety, loss of muscle mass and sagging skin. Take these aspects into account and do not resort to drastic measures. Set aside time to eat at least one fruit and don’t go to bed on an empty stomach.

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