7 Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

Consumption of foods with diuretic properties is indicated for the elimination of excess fluids and sodium associated with hypertension.
7 natural remedies for high blood pressure

Do you need natural remedies for high blood pressure? This is one of the most common cardiovascular problems in the world. Specialists also call it the “silent killer” because of the way this condition develops inside the body.

According to information issued by the American Heart Association, one in three adults suffers from high blood pressure. Specifically, a third of the world’s population is affected by this health problem.

The extremely high number of cases of high blood pressure has created panic among healthcare professionals around the world. In general, patients are not aware of the risks associated with this condition and are not treated properly.

In response, specialists began to provide useful information to the public, in order to promote the adoption of healthy habits. In order to be able to control high blood pressure and use appropriate treatment, we need to know the risks we are exposed to if we suffer from this problem.

In today’s article we present you seven natural remedies for hypertension, which do not depend on drug treatments.

7 natural remedies for high blood pressure

Raw almonds

Almonds as natural remedies for high blood pressure

Thanks to the content of omega-3 fatty acids that have the ability to reduce cholesterol levels and improve heart function, a handful of raw almonds a day can help prevent high blood pressure.

Although they are a significant source of fat and calories, almonds will not make you fat. In fact, the fat in their composition is considered to be “beneficial” and can increase muscle mass.

Coconut water

This delicious, invigorating and moisturizing drink is perfect for hot summer days when we need extra fluids. Coconut water has a significant content of potassium, electrolytes and other nutrients with the ability to lower blood pressure.

A study published in the Medical Journal of West Indies ( West Indian Medical Journal ) revealed that water coconut is useful to adjust blood pressure both when it is too high, and it is too low.

Among patients with high blood pressure, 71% experienced a decrease in blood pressure following the consumption of coconut water. In the case of those suffering from hypotension, coconut water has regulated the blood pressure of 29% of them.


Natural remedies for hypertension with oats

Appreciated thanks to its high content of fiber and essential nutrients, oats are another natural remedy with the ability to reduce this condition. A study by Columbia University has shown that, if consumed regularly, oats can reduce blood pressure by up to 5%.

Moreover, the same study suggests that oats can help us avoid high blood pressure and give us protection against heart disease.

Turmeric (turmeric)

Turmeric has an active compound called curcumin, due to which this spice has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. One of the main benefits of turmeric is its ability to reduce inflammation, controlling blood pressure and other inflammatory problems.

The combination of turmeric and black pepper has a vasodilating effect, ideal for improving circulation and keeping arterial walls unlocked. Moreover, this combination acts as a natural anticoagulant, being able to regulate blood flow.

Smoothie with lemon and parsley

Natural remedies for hypertension with lemon

Thanks to its diuretic effect, this smoothie has the ability to lower cholesterol levels. Both lemon and parsley contain important nutrients that facilitate the elimination of excess fluid and sodium, both problems being associated with high blood pressure.


  • 1 unpeeled lemon
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 glass (200 ml) water


  • Cut the lemon into slices, without removing the peel. Put the slices in a food processor together with a handful of parsley and water.
  • Process the ingredients for a few seconds. Strain the smoothie before drinking it.


Bananas are among the best natural remedies for high blood pressure, the potassium in their composition being essential to regulate blood pressure. We advise you to eat at least two servings of bananas a day and adopt a healthy diet.


Natural remedies for hypertension with garlic

Raw garlic has been used in natural medicine since ancient times, largely due to its high concentration of nutrients. Thanks to the sulfur compounds in the composition of this plant, consuming 1-2 cloves of garlic a day improves blood circulation and reduces blood pressure.

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