7 Common Mistakes When You Want To Lose Weight At Any Cost

When you want to lose weight, you can make mistakes that prevent you from getting good results. Try to avoid them to lose weight!
7 common mistakes when you want to lose weight at any cost

We know that a balanced diet and regular exercise are the secret to weight loss and maintaining a figure. However, in search of quick results, some people make mistakes that eventually become an obstacle to achieving the goal. Discover 7 common mistakes when you want to lose weight!

Common mistakes when you want to lose weight fast

Common mistakes when you want to lose weight fast


Understanding that the ideal weight cannot be reached overnight is essential for making the right decisions. For this reason, we share here 7 mistakes that you should avoid when you want to lose weight by adopting healthy eating habits.

1. Choose strict low calorie diets

Low-calorie or “miracle” diets have obvious results in a few days. However, it is essential to keep in mind that they tend to have a deficiency of nutrients that can affect health.

As a result, metabolic disorders can occur that will lead to easy regain of lost weight. Also, as essential nutrients are lacking, muscle mass can be compromised, as can the bone system.

2. Serve too many meals

Although the idea of ​​5 meals a day has been promoted for many years, the truth is that intermittent fasting protocols have proven to be very effective in improving body composition.

We do not recommend eating if you are not hungry. However, before considering fasting, check if you have chronic pathologies.

3. Eat too many light foods

Woman reading food labels


The food industry knows that products labeled as “light” are very attractive to consumers trying to lose weight. Although many “light” foods contain fewer calories, the fact that they have this type of label does not mean that they are healthier. It is important to understand that they also have calories and also contain food additives that can be harmful to the body.

The most worrying thing is that some people tend to consume them in excess, because they consider that they do not provide calories or toxic compounds. It is important to read food labels, even when they are sold as “healthier”.

4. Eliminate sources of fat

High-fat foods are the main culprits for overweight, obesity and other metabolic disorders that affect health. However, the body needs a certain amount of these substances to function.

Therefore, you need to learn to differentiate between good and bad fats. For example, it is preferable to eat unsaturated fatty acids that are found in, among other things, the following foods:

  • Olive oil
  • Flaxseed
  • Avocado
  • Over the ocean
  • Sunflower seeds

Trans fatty acids are the ones that are harmful to health, according to a study published in Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.

5. Eat too much salt

Spoon with large salt


Salt itself does not add calories to the diet, but it can cause an increase in body weight due to fluid retention. In turn, fluid retention overloads organs such as the heart and kidneys, causing health problems. For this reason, moderating salt intake is part of the advice to adopt a healthy diet.

Consequently, although sodium is needed in the body, moderate your salt intake to take care of the normal functioning of the body.

6. Don’t drink enough water

Water is a fundamental component of the body and metabolism. Metabolic reactions in the body use and release water. Therefore, hydration is essential for a proper metabolic rate. In addition, it improves the processes responsible for detoxifying the body.

7. Don’t eat enough vegetables

Basket with vegetables


Fresh and raw vegetables are the best allies in the weight loss process. They are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that support metabolism and fat burning. The high nutritional quality and the low caloric value make them an essential complement in any diet.

Improve your diet for better health

Now that you’ve identified a few eating mistakes, try to avoid them so that you don’t fail in your plan to reach your ideal weight. Also remember that regular sports are essential for effective weight loss. In this way, you will have an optimal body composition, which will reduce the risk of developing pathologies in the medium and long term.

Finally, do not forget that rest also influences all these parameters. Sleep quality is a factor to consider when you want to lose weight .

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