6 Natural Remedies To Relieve Stretch Marks

Cocoa butter is rich in vitamins and minerals that facilitate skin hydration and stimulate its regeneration, improving the appearance of stretch marks.
6 natural remedies to relieve stretch marks

Stretch marks are scars that appear when the skin loses its elasticity, usually after it has been stretched in excess, and which require a number of natural remedies. Although not a health hazard, stretch marks are unsightly, and those who have them always look for them. ways to improve their appearance.

Basically stretch marks form in the middle layer of the skin, which is why they are not easy to remove. They usually come in the form of pink or purple lines that cover various parts of the body. Gradually, stretch marks may discolor, but they will remain visible.

The number of stretch marks varies. In most cases, this problem affects areas of the body that are likely to deposit excess fat, such as the buttocks, abdomen, arms, legs and breasts.

Nowadays, stores offer us many treatments to remove stretch marks, but it is preferable to opt for natural remedies.

There are various formulas and ingredients with beneficial properties for the skin that, if applied regularly, can help us reduce the appearance of stretch marks. In today’s article we invite you to discover six natural remedies to relieve stretch marks.

6 natural remedies to cure stretch marks

Remedy with potato juice

Ingredients like potatoes help you fix stretch marks

Potatoes have properties of regenerating skin cells and stimulate their development.


  • Take a potato of the right size, peel it and grate it.
  • Squeeze the juice of the grated potato and apply this liquid on the regions affected by stretch marks every day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Allow the potato juice to dry on the skin, then rinse with cold water.

Egg white remedy

Egg whites contain amino acids and proteins with the ability to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. By applying the following remedy regularly, you will get incredible results in just a few weeks.


  • Beat an egg white until you get a foam. Apply this foam with a makeup brush on the affected area and let it dry.
  • Rinse with warm water and apply a little olive oil to prevent dehydration of the skin.

Cocoa butter remedy

Among other things, cocoa butter is useful for repairing stretch marks

Cocoa butter is a very cheap and effective remedy to combat stretch marks. This product contains essential vitamins and minerals that deeply moisturize the skin and stimulate its regeneration.


  • Apply a little cocoa butter on the affected area twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Massage until completely absorbed by the skin.

Remedy with almond oil, sugar and lemon juice

The following treatment moisturizes, tones and regenerates the skin, significantly reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Its ingredients penetrate the skin to remedy this problem in a short time.


  • In a bowl, mix a tablespoon of granulated sugar, ½ teaspoon of almond oil and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Gently massage this exfoliant on the affected area for ten minutes, then rinse well. Apply this treatment two or three times a week.

A natural home-made stretch mark cream

You can fight stretch marks with a little aloe vera

To maintain skin elasticity and prevent stretch marks, it is important to deeply moisturize your skin and supply it with the essential nutrients it needs to prevent lesions and scars.

The following cream will nourish your skin properly and reduce the appearance of existing stretch marks. Furthermore, it will protect the skin against stretch marks that can occur during or after pregnancy as a result of weight gain and loss.


  • In a small bowl, mix equal amounts of olive oil, wheat germ and aloe vera. If you have oily skin, add a little clay powder. Mix the ingredients well to get a paste. Apply this remedy on the affected regions three times a week.

Remedy with almond oil and coconut oil

These two oils are very useful to take care of the skin and moisturize it deeply. Both almond and coconut oil contain vitamin E and other essential nutrients that support skin regeneration and eliminate stretch marks.


  • Mix equal amounts of almond oil and olive oil, then apply the remedy obtained on the affected regions. Apply this treatment every day, once in the morning and once before bed.

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