5 Signs That Nails Indicate A Health Problem

Did you know that nails can provide clues to your body’s health? Here are the messages they send you without you realizing it. 
5 signs that the nails indicate a health problem

Often, we think of them only as part of our physical appearance, but sometimes our  nails indicate a problem with our health. 

Have you ever looked carefully at your nails? Are they fragile? Do they break easily? These characteristics and more can warn you that there is an irregularity in your body. You may suffer from vitamin deficiency or anemia without being aware of it.

Today we present you some of the clues that your nails offer that are worth taking into account.

1. Nails indicate a problem if they are dry and brittle

Nails indicate a problem if they are fragile

This issue may be associated with:

  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Anemia
  • Mushrooms

If your nails have become very dry and brittle overnight, the cause may be anemia or thyroid dysfunction. Unfortunately, cuticle oil does not solve this problem. It is important to check your hormone levels to find out if your thyroid is working well. 

There is a false myth that only overweight people suffer from thyroid disorders. Not true. The two aspects do not always go hand in hand.

At the same time, it is important to remember that fungal infections can be the basis of dry and brittle nails. 

2. Nails indicate a problem if they are discolored

If you have discolored nails, you may suffer from:

  • Fungal infections
  • Diabetes
  • Liver, kidney, heart or lung disease
  • lymphedema

Healthy nails are pink with a white semicircle at the base. The colors you can get at any given time have the following causes:

  • Green = bacterial infection
  • Red stripes at the base of the nail = infection of the heart valves
  • Bluish = low level of oxygen in the body
  • Yellowish = vitamin deficiency
  • White = hepatitis or anemia
  • Dark stripes on the top of the nail = a sign of aging and congestive heart failure.

Always check the color of your nails to find out what conditions may exist in your body.

3. Nails indicate a problem if they are cracked

Nails indicate a problem if they are cracked

If you always keep your nails in water, they will be sometimes hydrated, sometimes dehydrated. In time, they will crack. This can also lead to exfoliation of the nails.

The habit of holding your nails in your mouth will produce the same effects. Give up red nails! In addition, if you have to put your hands in the water, wear gloves. 

Cracked nails can also indicate a deficiency of:

  • Folic acid
  • C vitamin
  • proteins

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is advisable to  increase your intake of vitamin C. Eat fruits such as oranges and grapefruit every day.

Mango is rich in folic acid, so it is good to include it in your diet if you suffer from a lack of vitamins.

4. Nails indicate a problem if they are very thick

If your nails are not discolored and look strong and healthy, then the fact that they are thick is not a problem. But if they have thickened lately without any treatment, you may have lung disease. Thick nails are not necessarily strong, especially if they look like claws.

If you are taking certain medications and your nails have thickened, talk to your doctor. It may be an allergic reaction to the pills.

5. Small depressions or notches

Nails indicate a problem if they have notches

Sometimes the hands and nails suffer as a result of the activities performed, as a result of which white streaks may appear on the latter. However, if you notice that the hands look good and the problem is only on the nails, then analyze the appearance of the hair and skin.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can also cause psoriasis or hair loss. The problem can be combated if you improve your diet or take a vitamin supplement.

Pay attention to your nails

As you can see, nails are not only good for painting or decorating. Among other things, they are very useful in conveying certain messages about the health of the body.

Representative image source: © wikiHow.com

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