100% Effective Natural Remedy For Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps affect many women. But there is a very effective natural remedy to combat menstrual cramps.
Natural remedy for menstrual cramps 100% effective

Women who suffer from menstrual cramps know how annoying and painful they can be and how much they affect their quality of life. Rest is not always possible, so they tend to suffer in silence and without ceasing to perform the tasks of that moment. In this article, we present a 100% effective natural remedy for menstrual cramps!

Why do menstrual cramps occur?

Woman with menstrual cramps


A high percentage of women have menstrual cramps on a regular basis. But this answer does not explain the origin of these pains. Menstrual cramps are caused by contractions of the uterus. It must be able to expel old endometrial tissue, a lining that is not needed if there is no pregnancy. Therefore, cramps are more intense when clots or mucosal tissues pass through the cervix.

How do menstrual cramps manifest themselves?

These pains occur in the abdomen, but can radiate to other parts of the body. Although there are moderate or very intense menstrual cramps, they should be differentiated from the usual symptoms of menstruation, such as bloating, discomfort, etc.

Menstrual cramps last for a few minutes or hours and can force the woman to lie down or look for certain positions that relieve the pain.

Although some women take anti-inflammatory drugs or painkillers, many have not found a medicine to relieve their pain. They all want to find a definitive solution.

Natural remedy for menstrual cramps 100% effective

Natural remedy for herbal menstrual cramps


In some cultures in South and Central America, women use vaginal steam baths a few days before menstruation to soothe hemorrhoids, prevent infections and treat other problems in the intimate area. These baths can also be used for cases of amenorrhea or lack of menstruation, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc.

What plants do we use?

Natural remedy for menstrual cramps 100% effective


We can choose or combine the following herbs with regulatory, calming, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Chamomile
  • artemisia
  • citronella
  • Chamomile
  • Thyme
  • Lavender 

If we have doubts or, in addition to cramps, we suffer from another disorder, we recommend that you consult a naturist who can advise us for a personalized and complete treatment.

How do they prepare?

To make these steam baths, we will need:

  • Medicinal plants (about 25-50 g)
  • 1 liter of water
  • A pot
  • A chair with a hole
  • A towel or a blanket

We will prepare the infusion and let it sit for a few minutes. Then we will place it on the floor, under the emptiness of the chair, so that the vapors reach directly into the intimate area. We need to feel a pleasant warmth. If it is too strong, we will wait a few minutes or add a little cold water.

We will cover ourselves with a blanket or towel. We’ll sit down for twenty minutes to an hour. After taking steam baths, we will lie down or rest to enhance the effects of this therapy.

We can take these baths two or three times during the week before menstruation.


  • The menstruation that will come after we do the steam baths can be more abundant and more fluid than usual.
  • In the next few hours after the steam bath, we must avoid sudden changes in temperature. It is a simple but profound therapy.
  • We must use organic herbs to avoid pesticides and other substances harmful to health that can pass directly into the blood.
  • Steam baths are not done during pregnancy.
  • Consult a doctor before performing any treatment.

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